Breon & Associates and Prussman-Goss Come Together Under Parent Company, North American Forensic Accounting PC
The concept of segregation of duties, splitting up responsibilities between different people, is a very important part of an organizations anti-fraud programs and controls.
Segregation of Duties
The concept of segregation of duties, splitting up responsibilities between different people, is a very important part of an organizations anti-fraud programs and controls.
Gas Prices Soaring!
Gas prices in the United States have been soaring during 2022 and the IRS has noticed. Due to a $1.15 increase to the average price of a gallon of gas since December 2021, the IRS has increased the standard milage rate to 62.5 cents per mile up from 58.5 cents per mile in the beginning of 2022.
Tax Season in Full Swing
Tax season is in full swing for 2021 returns. While the 2020 tax year was hectic and unpredictable, there is hope for 2021. To keep your return moving through the “IRS machine” there are a few things to keep in mind when filing your 2021 tax return.
Breon & Associates and Prussman Goss Form Strategic Alliance to Boost Accounting Services Throughout Pennsylvania & Beyond
Two highly reputable accounting firms, Breon & Associates, centered in Harrisburg, and Prussman-Goss, located in Wyomissing and Ephrata, have announced a strategic alliance that will enhance and elevate their accounting, tax, and litigation support services. The two...
ABC News Asks Michael Breon, CPA About Frustrating Delays in 2020 IRS Refunds
In August, ABC News in Camp Hill, PA interviewed Michael Breon, CPA and president of Breon & Associates, about the unprecedented delays the IRS is experiencing in issuing 2020 tax refunds. Normally, the IRS sends refunds within 21 days of the taxpayer’s filing, but...
Protecting Your Business Against Fraudulent Unemployment Claims in the Age of Covid
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have been brutal for small-to-medium-sized businesses. But programs designed to ease the hardship have also been boomeranging and hitting employers where it hurts. One common complaint is that businesses are having...
Corporate Investigations – More Than Fraud
When you hear the words “Internal Investigation”, what comes to mind? Perhaps the story on the news about an accountant bilking their employer for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Those types of stories are always attention getters. Corporate investigators however...
Following Up On An Anonymous Fraud Report
Suppose you are the CEO. You are informed of an anonymous report about possible fraud occurring in your company and aren’t sure how to handle it. When allegations like this arise, it’s natural to want to get to the bottom of the situation. However, you should tread...
2020 Individual Tax Update
The IRS has announced that it will start accepting 2020 individual tax returns on February 12th. As of right now, your tax return is still due April 15th. There are a number of things that will be different this year and some things you will need to keep in mind. If...
Starting the Investigative Process
Suppose you suspect an employee has committed fraud against your company. What do you do? Fire him/her on the spot? Probably not, since that could make the situation much worse, especially if you’re wrong. You also don’t want to tip your hand, because that could...
Could a “Shadow Board” Illuminate Your Company’s Path to the Future?
How responsive is your business to changes in market trends? Are you effectively keeping pace with changes in technology, lifestyles, fashions, taste, and modes of communication? Or have you been blind-sided by changes you didn’t see coming? Given the speed at which...
Contact Breon & Associates in Harrisburg and Williamsport
With offices in Harrisburg and South Central PA, Breon & Associates provides business, accounting and tax services throughout Pennsylvania, New York, North Carolina and Florida. Call us at 1-888-516-8476 or 717-273-8626, or contact one of our offices online to schedule an appointment.
Camp Hill Office:
3461 Market Street, Ste 101
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Ephrata Office
901 Dawn Avenue, Suite A
Ephrata, PA 17522
Wyomissing Office
3 Park Plaza, Suite 207
Wyomissing, PA 19610