Knowledgeable accountants in Harrisburg and Williamsport Perform Reliable Internal Control Assessments
Services tailored to your organization’s size, structure and mission
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Naturally, if you are the head of your company, you have all sorts of worries related to productivity, efficiency, and even malfeasance that could be undermining your company’s success. You might even have to answer to a Board that could demand your kingly head, if you’re unable to demonstrate effective leadership. But does your company have reliable mechanisms in place to allow you to exercise control over the processes you’re charged with managing? Can you test and assess those internal controls, so you know exactly what you’re dealing with? Our seasoned accountants understand the problems businesses face when management can’t get the answers they need to pinpoint and correct areas of concern. We can improve your existing processes, implement new controls, and put your company on the path to greater success.
Crafting a solution that fits your business
At Breon & Associates, we understand the reluctance to hire outside consultants to assess the many functions of your organization. Too often the assessment leads to recommendations, such as hiring additional staff and segregating duties, which are impractical given a company’s budgetary limitations. That’s why we craft solutions to fit your company. If your organization has to stay lean and nimble to compete, we’re not going to recommend additional layers of bureaucracy or work silos that prevent staff from working synergistically.
Rather than impose a one-size-fits-all remedy, we learn as much as we can about your organization and your processes, then present improvements that can boost the performance of your existing resources. For example, we can develop what we call a compensating control. A compensating control typically operates outside the primary process to provide an indirect check and balance against errors, irregularities or perhaps even fraud. If you have limited resources, we help identify compensating controls to add additional protection.
Assessing various areas of concern with your organization
An internal control assessment is meant to test how well your management can monitor your business processes and exercise control whenever an intervention is necessary to facilitate completion. Areas of concern can include:
- Losses due to waste — Did you have to pay a late fee because you didn’t know a payment was due? Are you losing goods and supplies to spoilage? Strong internal controls can prevent wasteful expenditures.
- Losses due to inefficiency — Are partially completed projects lying dormant in your pipeline as your clients get anxious about fulfillment? We can find the clog and remove it to improve your work flow.
- Losses due to fraud — As unpleasant as it is to contemplate, unscrupulous employees may be treating themselves to your company’s resources. We can implement controls to track expenses and receivables so you can follow every dime.
Often, an internal control assessment shows the company needs an accounting cleanup, which is another service our professional team provides. If your account reconciliations are falling behind, you’re vulnerable to wasteful and fraudulent losses. But you can rely on Breon & Associates to bring sloppy accounting and every other area of concern under your control.
Contact Breon & Associates in Harrisburg and Williamsport for internal control assessments you can rely on.
Help protect your organization with an internal control assessment. With offices in Harrisburg and South Central PA, Breon & Associates helps companies of all sizes implement solutions that fit their needs. Call us at 1-888-516-8476 or 717-273-8626, or contact one of our offices online to schedule an appointment.
Camp Hill Office:
3461 Market Street, Ste 101
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Ephrata Office
901 Dawn Avenue, Suite A
Ephrata, PA 17522
Wyomissing Office
3 Park Plaza, Suite 207
Wyomissing, PA 19610