Internal Auditors in Harrisburg Provide Co-Sourced Internal Audit Solutions
Seasoned professionals supplement your services for enhanced performance
We can all use an occasional shot in the arm, and that includes your internal audit department. At Breon & Associates, we often work to supplement a company’s resources and bolster their efforts. Our co-sourcing arrangements allow a company to tap into our expertise on a limited, often temporary, basis to meet the urgent challenges of the moment. Co-sourcing is a cost-effective solution, because your company is not committed to hiring new staff, and it’s less disruptive than hiring a traditional consulting firm. Our seasoned professionals tread lightly but deliver big benefits.
Expertise at all levels and across a wide range of internal audit tasks
Whether you need a skilled auditor to pitch in while you look for a permanent replacement or a leader to keep the entire department temporarily on track, Breon & Associates can fill your need. Co-sourcing is a viable option for companies facing a variety of circumstances that temporarily challenge their resources. Examples of the assistance we provide include:
- Chief Audit Executive pro tem — Emergencies can come at any time. Losing leadership to an illness, a family crisis or attrition can seriously undermine your organization’s ability to complete its annual audit plan. Fortunately, Breon & Associates has proven leaders with the skills to manage your audit department while you are without your permanent CAE.
- Audits beyond your staff’s expertise — Organizations cannot expect their Internal Audit departments to know everything. Thus, niche audits, such as a review of your Human Resources department practices, can leave your current staff scratching their heads. A co-sourcing arrangement that allows our professionals to build on your staff’s core competencies makes a great deal of sense. We have the experience to help with risk assessments, anti-fraud controls and other niche audit scenarios that require specific experience.
- Audits where independence is required — There are some types of audits that you do not want your full-time employees to oversee too closely. For example, when conducting compliance audits, your organization would benefit greatly by having an independent party managing the process. If the audit you are contemplating creates a conflict of interest for your auditors, we can put that conflict to rest.
- Special project or management request — Your department operates according to your company’s internal audit plan. When circumstances arise, requiring an addendum to that plan, it’s only natural to enhance your audit resources.
- Sarbanes Oxley testing — SOX testing requires specialized knowledge and experience. We provide both.
- Managing turnover — We can help at any time you have turnover within your audit department, especially at those crucial moments in the midst of an aggressive audit plan. We help you complete your plan and keep your company’s Audit Committee happy.
In addition to the specific circumstances cited above, an outside set of eyes is always useful to help you identify risk that may not be apparent to your internal auditors who are busy day-in and day-out. If you want to optimize the performance of your Internal Audit department, a co-sourcing arrangement with Breon & Associates simply makes sense.
Contact Breon & Associates in Harrisburg and Williamsport for co-sourcing solutions that boost your company’s internal audit process
Breon & Associates provides a variety of co-sourcing and resourcing solutions that enhance the performance of your Internal Audit department. With offices in Harrisburg and South Central PA, Breon & Associates helps companies of all sizes throughout Pennsylvania. Call us at 1-888-516-8476 or 717-273-8626, or contact one of our offices online to schedule an appointment.
Camp Hill Office:
3461 Market Street, Ste 101
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Ephrata Office
901 Dawn Avenue, Suite A
Ephrata, PA 17522
Wyomissing Office
3 Park Plaza, Suite 207
Wyomissing, PA 19610