Harrisburg: 3461 Market Street, Ste 101 Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-273-8626 info@breoncpa.com

Seasoned Professionals in Harrisburg Perform Reliable Accounting Cleanup

Trustworthy Accountants bring order and efficiency, so your business can move forward

To run an orderly business and make sound decisions, you need information at your fingertips. But if your books are chaotic, you may be relying on incomplete or erroneous information. This means you can miss opportunities, face wasteful penalties, or dangerously overextend your resources. If you have noticed any of the warning signs of poor accounting, such as cash discrepancies, invoice inconsistencies, vague expense records, negative cash balances, or late fees, it’s time to take proactive steps to correct the situation. At Breon & Associates, we know how to cure sloppy accounting. We clean up the mess and introduce sound accounting practices, so your company can control damage, change course, and realize its full potential.

Meticulous accountants effectively clean up your small business records

Our accountants are also successful small business owners, so we know how small business bookkeeping can get out of control, and we know how to rein the problems in. We follow a careful step-by-step process to ensure your accounting is accurate. When performing an accounting cleanup, we will undertake many tasks some of which may include:

  • Reconciling all bank accounts and investigate discrepancies
  • Reconciling company credit cards
  • Checking your fixed assets against what is in the books and validating depreciation
  • Checking leases to make sure they are appropriately accounted for
  • Checking to see that inventory numbers actually match your records
  • Examining lines of credit and loans
  • Checking related party loans & transactions to make sure each has been appropriately recorded
  • Checking accounts for irregular balances
  • Checking your beginning retained earnings against the retained earnings on your last tax return
  • Running a detailed general ledger report then checking each account for unusual transactions or inconsistencies
  • Checking regular journal entries for consistency
  • Evaluating expenditures and related trends
  • Assessing payroll expenses and liabilities
  • Analyzing revenue recognition, profitability and trends
  • Performing analytical procedures

When our procedures have been completed, we update your accounting records and help you establish procedures to keep them current. We also help you refine your key performance indicators so you can monitor your results moving forward. We can help you create an updated — and corrected — picture of where your company stands.

This is also helpful to organizations who are about to undergo their first audit. Because of independence rules, your auditors are not allowed to help you clean up your books and records. Get a step up on your audit, call Breon & Associates today.

How long does it take to perform an accounting cleanup?

It’s impossible to offer a reliable estimate of the time required for a small business accounting cleanup without first getting a sense of the problem. There are many factors that influence the cost and duration of the cleanup, including:

  • The size of the business
  • The condition of the books
  • The length of time your books have been neglected

However, when you retain our team of professionals, you get our full commitment to delivering value for our services. We want to put your company back on the right track as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

Introducing best accounting practices to your company

An additional advantage to working with Breon & Associates on your accounting cleanup is that we are also interested in educating small business owners in the best accounting practices to bring order to their unruly books. If you want to know how to prevent disorder in the future, we’re happy to sit down with you and your bookkeeping staff. And if, like many small business owners, you use QuickBooks for your business, we offer training to help you overcome confusion and get the most out of that program.

Contact Breon & Associates in Harrisburg to cleanup your company’s accounting

Chaotic accounting practices put your business at a competitive disadvantage and can even put you at risk of crushing losses and liability. If you’ve seen the warning signs of sloppy accounting, let Breon & Associates perform the cleanup you need. With offices in Harrisburg and South Central PA, Breon & Associates provides a wide range of  accounting and tax services throughout Pennsylvania, New York, North Carolina and Florida., New York, North Carolina and wherever else our knowledge and experience is needed. Call us at 1-888-516-8476 or 717-273-8626, or contact one of our offices online to schedule an appointment.

Camp Hill Office:

3461 Market Street, Ste 101
Camp Hill, PA 17011

Ephrata Office

901 Dawn Avenue, Suite A
Ephrata, PA 17522

Wyomissing Office

3 Park Plaza, Suite 207
Wyomissing, PA 19610

Business Services
Quality of Earnings Analysis
Accounting Clean-Up
Corporate Social Responsibility
Internal Control Assessments
Process Improvements
Building A Better Business
Tax Services
Tax Preparation
Business Tax Preparation
Individual Income Tax Prep
Business Tax Planning
S-Corp & LLC Tax Planning
Individual Tax Planning
Cost Segregation
Forensic Accounting
Business Valuation
Fraud Investigations
Litigation Support
Divorce Assets & Income
Internal Investigations
Employee Embezzlement
Business Interruption Losses
Expert Witness
Litigation Support
Expert Witness
Professional Malpractice
Wage & Hour Claims
Internal Investigations
Divorce Assets & Income
Employee Embezzlement
Business Valuations
Internal Audit & Risk
Co-Sourced Solutions
Sarbanes Oxley
Quality Assessments
Risk Assessments
Fraud Risk Assessments
Contract Compliance
Purchasing Controls